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I am Arthur Jilavyan, and in collaboration with my friends, I have launched a national patriotic long-term initiative known as “ARMENIAN GENE”. The primary aim of this initiative is to provide a peaceful and secure environment for the development and prosperity of our compatriots who owns the “ARMENIAN GENE”. In spite of our enemies’ efforts to defeat us, we are determined to thrive and progress. Through the strength of our faith, God’s grace, and our collective efforts, we will win a victory against all our enemies. As a people of God, we have endured numerous hardships while remaining dedicated to our divine destiny for millennia. We possess an irreplaceable mission on this planet, which we must uphold with honor, faith, and dignity. The Armenian Apostolic Church stands as the sacred sanctuary for all bearers of the “ARMENIAN GENE.” All other religious sects and their adherents must be removed from our Holy Land and our lives.

Our significant initiative begins with our support to the heroic compatriots of Artsakh, ensuring they have suitable living conditions in various locations across Armenia and beyond.

Dear compatriots and brave people of Artsakh, my resilient compatriots, please, be sure that you are not alone. The founders and members of the national patriotic movement “ARMENIAN GENE” stand by your side. During this challenging time for all of us, we are prepared to provide you with housing and any other essential support for your safety and well-being.

To streamline our efforts, we invite those in need of assistance to join our Facebook group, providing a brief description of their situation, urgent needs and their location. Our specialists will reach out to you, ensuring you receive the necessary assistance promptly.

We invite all Armenian philanthropists, who have the means to support our Artsakh compatriots in need, to become a part of our movement. We are more than willing to provide detailed information upon request.

Dear compatriots, always remember that God is love. This divine love encompasses all and serves all. “And he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 Corinthians 13:5). Those who aspire to emulate God cannot help noticing the suffering of others, extending a helping hand to those in need, as they bear the image of God in them.

Arthur Jilavyan

Help to those displaced from Artsakh

Deportees from ArtsakhContact personContact person phoneHostHost phoneLocation in Armenia
Son: Gevorkyan Smbat, 1992 (From Stepanakert)Mnatsakanyan Larisa+374 97 28 23 33Arthur Jilavyan+7 925 533 00 98Yerevan
Daughter-in-law: Regina Grigoryan, 1992 (From Stepanakert)Mnatsakanyan Larisa+374 97 28 23 33Arthur Jilavyan+7 925 533 00 98Yerevan
Granddaughter: Gevorkyan Kira, 2018 (From Stepanakert)Mnatsakanyan Larisa+374 97 28 23 33Arthur Jilavyan+7 925 533 00 98Yerevan
Mnatsakanyan Larisa, 1969 (From Stepanakert)Mnatsakanyan Larisa+374 97 28 23 33Arthur Jilavyan+7 925 533 00 98Yerevan
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